Imaan, which is also known as faith, according to Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah is defined as “ the affirmation of the heart (together with) the utterance of the tongue and the actions of the limbs. Therefore, it possesses three components which are connected to each other. These are affirmation of the heart along with the utterance of the tongue together with the actions of the limbs. Any one of the above elements cannot be missed to have a pure(complete) faith.
Imaan increases and decreases along with circumstances. This is because the degree in which the heart affirms and declares to a particular statement varies; believing in something which is seen by one’s own eyes is very different from believing in something which is told to one by someone. Also believing in something which is told by only one person is less trustable when compared to a news been told by many in an unanimous manner. This state of heart, regarding its affirmation and reliance is proved in the Quran with the 260th verse of Surah Al Baqara, when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) said:
“My Lord! Show me how you give life to the dead.’’ He (Allah) said: “Do you not believe?” He said: “ yes ( I do believe), but want more confidence for my heart”. (Al-Baqara: 260)
Moreover certain circumstances play a significant role in increasing and decreasing faith of the heart. When someone is engaged in a gathering or a class in which Islamic concepts are spoken of and the reality of the unseen world is explained in an effective manner, he can feel his faith increase in himself at that particular time, but later when that gathering is over and he returns to his day to day activities, gradually with his hectic schedule he starts to forget the concepts and now his level of Iman tend to fall. This is confirmed through the below Quranic verse,
“…. And we have fixed their number only as a trial for the disbelievers, in order that the people of the scripture may arrive at a certainty ( that this Quarn is the truth as it agrees with their scriptures) and the believers may increase in faith.” ( Al- Muddaththir: 31)
The person who does an act of Ibadah in a correct and perfect manner will possess a higher state of Iman than a person who does such acts of Ibadah in an uninterested or procrastinating way. Also by uttering and mentioning Allah frequently and repeatedly the Iman increases than in someone who mentions about Allah less. Moreover the one who engages more in acts of Ibadah with his limbs possess a higher state of Iman than the one who does less number of good deeds with his limbs. Hence the below Quranic verse proves that the state of Iman is not constant,
“And whenever there comes down a surah, some of them say: ‘which of you has had his faith increased by it?’ As for those who believe, it has increased their faith, and they rejoice. But as for those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubt and hypocrisy), it adds further corruption to their corruption; and they die while they are disbelievers.’’ (At- Tawbah: 124-125)
Since we know that the Faith increases and decreases we must be aware of the facts which causes it, so that we can refrain ourselves from going astray. Firstly, we must know about Allah thoroughly, we should understand his highness, his perfectness by studying his names and attributes . The more we get to know Allah the more the faith increases. And the next step is to reflect upon the signs that Allah has caused universally. This increases a person’s Iman further. And the below Quranic verse proves the above statement well:
‘‘And on the earth are signs for those who have certainty of Faith. And (also) in your own selves. Will you not then see?’’ (Ad- Dhariyat: 20-21)
Also when you consider the opposite act of the above; like a person is totally unaware of Allah, His power, His authority, His names and His attributes, his level of Iman decreases eventually and if he is not ready to reflect and ponder upon Allah’s universal and legislative signs his real purpose of life becomes meaningless and his state of Iman goes down.
Moreover the acts of good deeds plays a major role in increasing one’s Iman qualitatively and quantitatively. Engaging in Dhikr, prayers, fasting, giving charity, performing Hajj etc.. increases the Iman in a huge rate. And the virtuous deeds must be done under a pure intention, only for the sake of Allah, otherwise even these good deeds can lead someone astray. When you do evil acts, commit sins, acts of disobedience, abandoning the obligatory acts of obedience etc. will obviously reduce the level of one’s Iman and definitely lead him astray. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“ the adulterer is not a believer while he commits adultery..”
Therefore, to maintain a constant Iman level we have to strive hard and keep in mind some facts. Learning the beneficial knowledge revealed by the Quran and adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Reflecting upon the universal signs showed by Allah, frequently reciting the Holy Quran and attending lectures where the merits and qualities of the religion of Islam are being discussed. Take life lessons from the lives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions, great Imams and Salafs of the religion, to make our Iman more firm.
Never allow the internal causes, such as ignorance, aversion, forgetfulness and heedlessness, disobedience, sinful intentions or deeds, to collapse our Iman. Neither allow the great enemy, the Satan, or the worldly matters or distractions or associates to shatter the level of Iman.
Indeed the pure faith of a believer which is righteously interconnected with the actions of his heart, tongue and limbs will lead him to the success of this world and the hereafter.
Written by:
Zahra Rahman